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The word ‘Sausage’ came from ‘salsus’ which means salt. Sausage is the comminuted, emulsified, cured (salt added), smoked or non-smoked, cooked meat product with addition of little amount of spices and animal fat.The ground meat emulsion is stuffed within ‘casing’ made from animal intestine (natural casing), or synthetic casing, by automatic sausage filler machine.After that, sausages along with casings are boiled in hot water and then casing is peeled off and sausages are packed in a LDPE bag with vacuum packaging machine. You may consume it after shallow frying in a pan, or simply heating in a microwave oven. Different types of sausages are available throughout the world in different name. According to country, region, food consumption habit of people, several categories of sausages are made as cooked or raw, smoked on non-smoked, fresh, fermented or non-fermented, cured or non-cured, spiced or plain, and many more.
₹ 120.00
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